Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Daily Headlines: July 10, 2012

* Colombia: The director of the Gabriel García Márquez New Journalism Foundation rejected rumors alleging that the Nobel laureate is suffering from senile dementia.

* Latin America: Will India become the next emerging world power behind China seeking to “forge a productive partnership” with Latin America?

* Venezuela: At a press conference yesterday President Hugo Chavez claimed that he was “free, free, totally free” of a cancerous tumor that was originally diagnosed about a year ago.

* Mexico: A $1 million reward has been issued to track down five suspects in the December 2010 death of a Border Patrol agent near the boundary of the U.S. and Mexico.

Video Source – YouTube via EFE (Jaime García Márquez said last week that his brother, acclaimed Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez, is in the “throes” of senile dementia.)

Online Sources- Fox News Latino, New York Daily News, Reuters, USA TODAY

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