Monday, August 22, 2011

Daily Headlines: August 22, 2011

* Argentina: The government backed the use of genetically-modified soy seeds made by Bayer though “Monsanto meanwhile is asking Argentine farmers to sign contracts promising to use its new Roundup Ready 2 Yield soy.”

* Latin America: Puerto Rico, Haiti and the Dominican Republic are bracing for the impact of Hurricane Irene while Tropical Storm Harvey pounded parts of southern Mexico.

* Brazil: Pope Benedict XVI announced that the next edition of World Youth Day would be held in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro in 2013.

* U.S.: According to an article that originally appeared in The Arizona Republic "birth tourism" from countries like Mexico is far from being a “widespread” practice.

Image – Reuters via The Guardian (“A Romanian farmer shows genetically modified soybeans in the village of Varasti.”)
Online Sources- USA TODAY, Reuters, CNN, UPI, Al Jazeera English

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