Thursday, August 11, 2011

Daily Headlines: August 11, 2011

* Latin America: Most stock markets throughout Latin America made modest gains yesterday though a senior Economic Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean official warned that global market volatility could have an adverse effect on the region.

* Guatemala: The Constitutional Court unanimously upheld a Supreme Court ruling barring the presidential candidacy of ex-First Lady Sandra Torres.

* Chile: Tens of thousands of protesters continue to demonstrate in cities like Santiago and Valparaiso in favor of public education reforms.

* Brazil: The country’s indigenous rights agency claimed that drug traffickers from Peru “invaded and looted” a remote Amerindian village in the Amazon.

Image – Reuters (“An electronic display board is seen at Brazil's BM&FBovespa stock exchange in Sao Paulo February 18, 2011.”)
Online Sources- Reuters, Mercopress, The Telegraph, CNN, Sky News

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