Monday, May 24, 2010

Today’s Video: The economics of the drug trade

In last week’s poll we wondered whether or not the “war on drugs” has been successful or is in need of reform. As food for thought on that issue we’re highlighting a portion of Nils Gilman’s speech earlier this month on “deviant globalization.” Below the author examined the prices of cocaine and claimed that U.S. counternarcotics efforts helped increase profit margins for drug suppliers:

Online Sources- YouTube


  1. When will poltical elites/pundits/whoever get the message: The CN war has been no more successful than Prohibiition was, and it's been a lot more expensive and lethal, in failing. All/all drugs should be legalized, in my opinion...

  2. Point taken. But if narcotics do become legalized then who should control it? The state, the private sector, or some combination of both?

  3. I'd say some combo of the sectors along the lines of what we've got now in the States - but keeping mind that in the case of drugs, we're talking about multinational approach that'd be different from what (just) the U.S. did in repealing Prohibition, a peculiarly American institution...
