Saturday, May 1, 2010

¿Por qué no te callas? – Gov. Jan Brewer

The recently signed immigration law in Arizona has inflamed passions in the already tense debate over immigration. Hence it should come as no surprise that there have been plenty of asinine, juvenile, and nonsensical rants related to the controversial law.

Several exaggerative statements have been made comparing immigration in Arizona to other far worse situations. As we briefly mentioned last week, Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahoney referred to “German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques” in his scathing critique of the Arizonan edict. His comments were derided by some conservatives including one who deemed it as “frankly bizarre.”

Mahoney’s remarks was inappropriate but not as bad as this week’s ¿Por qué no te callas? “award” recipient, none other than Arizonan Gov. Jan Brewer. One week after signing SB 1070 into law, Brewer said in a TV interview that Arizona had been under “terrorist attacks” due to illegal immigration. Her unbelievable comments must be seen to be believed:

There are plenty of valid points on illegal immigration and its affect on border states. But to compare undocumented immigrants to murderous thugs who unashamedly use violence for petty political purposes is an undeniably stupid thing to say. Especially if one is the leader of a state thrust into the national and international spotlights over immigration.

Gov. Brewer, why don’t you just shut up?

Online Sources- Think Progress, YouTube, The latin Americanist, UPI, Los Angeles Times


  1. Arizona to change name to "AryanZona". "Zona" means zone in Spanish, so that Latinos understand that AryanZona is only for the descendants of Thor, Odin and the Vaklyries

    There is a new bill in the Arizonan legislature to change the name of the State to AryanZona, so to scare Latinos, evict them and create the first "Mongrel Free" zone in America. Only the top echelon of evolution will be allowed in AryanZona.

    People that are seven feet high, blond and blue-eyed won't have any problem to prove their Aryanism and Nordicism .... Those with black hair and very tanned will be suspect.

    Tanning machines vendors are going to starve in Arizona, same for the peddlers of tanning lotions, "copper tones" in Arizona will be suspect of contamination with the lowest races of Chimps, Orangutans, Bonovos and Latinos.

    Since the population of Arizona have difficulty in race differentiation, then Chinese, Asians and People of India will be banned and not admitted as "Honorary Whites"

    When Hawaii was an indepedent nation, the Prince of Hawaii came to the USA as a tourist and visitor and was heavily mistreated and kicked out of trains for being a lowest form of life.

    From Wikipedia :

    By the time of King Kamehameha IV the Missionary Party began to undermine the monarchy. Prior to his coming to power on 11 January 1855, Kamehameha IV went on a world tour to make diplomatic alliances with European and other powers. On his return trip to Hawaii, he traveled by train across the United States. During this trip Kamehameha IV was mistaken as a servant by a conductor, called a “nigger” and nearly kicked off the train. This brush with America Racism would shape his views of America and Americans during his rule. He remarked about the incident as “The first time that I have ever received such treatment, not in England or France or anywhere else.” He began his reign distrusting the ethnically Euro-American Missionary Party and began a Pro-British trend to fight Americanization, both movements were carried out by him and his successors until the end of the monarchy.

    That is the lot for those that are not Milk White in AryanZona.

    Vicente Duque

  2. Video of Keith Olberman : Mexico to Boycott Tourism, Travel and Imports from Arizona - One third of Arizona's exports go to Mexico - Fools get what they ask for.

    Mexico is the first source of foreign tourists for Arizona.

    Enraging and insulting customers and clients ??

    That is very smart of AryanZona !

    April 27, 2010

    Keith Olbermann - Mexico Issues Travel Warning About Going To US

    Video : Well Known Sports Writer Dave Zirin against Arizona's Sport - Tax Money goes into Diamondbacks pockets - Boycott the Arizonan Diamondbacks

    Millions of dollars in public funds go for the Baseball Stadium and other favors and support for the Diamondbacks.

    Let's see who is Dave Zirin, a great enemy of Rush Limbaugh in Sport and Political Matters. They have had ugly fights.

    From Wikipedia :

    Dave Zirin is an American sportswriter. He champions athletes and issues which might be overlooked by corporate sports media and addresses the tendency of the media to objectify and employ athletes as pawns in money-making efforts.

    Zirin's column, Edge of Sports, appears on Sports Illustrated’s website and he is the host of XM satellite’s weekly show, Edge of Sports Radio. Zirin is a frequent contributor to The Nation, a columnist for SLAM Magazine, and The Progressive. He was named one of Utne Reader's 50 Visionaries who are Changing Your World for 2009.

    His first book, What’s My Name, Fool? Sports and Resistance in the United States (Haymarket Books) has entered its third printing.[1][2]

    Zirin has taken his blend of sports and politics to ESPN's Outside the Lines, the Rachel Maddow Show, CNBC’s The Big Idea with Donny Deutch where he discussed steroid use in baseball with John Rocker and José Canseco; C-SPAN’s Book TV, and the WNBC Morning News in New York City, and MSNBC's Morning Joe.

    April 28, 2010

    Boycott Arizona Diamondbacks? - April 28, 2010

    Vicente Duque
