Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Daily Headlines: April 27, 2010 (Updated)

* Panama: Bon voyage Manuel Noriega; the former Panamanian strongman was extradited to France where he faces trial for alleged money laundering. (Update: Noriega arrived in France Tuesday morning and he was promptly taken to a Paris courthouse for closed-door proceedings).

* Honduras: A human rights commission linked to the Organization of American States will head to Honduras next month and investigate the recent rash of journalist murders.

* Nicaragua: Tensions between the government and opposition are reaching a boiling point as supporters of President Daniel Ortega took to the streets in protest last week.

* Chile: Ex-Nazi and disgraced former cult leader Paul Schaefer died on Saturday and reportedly only one person attended his funeral.

Image – Washington Post
Online Sources- Washington Post, Reuters, The Latin Americanist, AS/COA Online, CNN

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