Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The non-looting side of Chile

The press in both Chile and globally have focused primarily over the sporadic looting after a massive earthquake shook Chile. Yet there are other news stories to note aside from the possible overemphasis on crimes and misdemeanors:

  • At least forty retirees enjoying a vacation in the seaside town of Pelluhue are suspected to be among the hundreds of dead after a tidal wave swept away the bus they had sought refuge in.
  • The official death toll from Saturday’s tremor has reached 795 with 554 of the deceased coming from the Maule region.
  • Numerous governments from around the world have pledged to help Chile including the U.S. and Europe. Peruvian president Alan Garcia was the latest foreign diplomat to pledge support to Chile.
  • Among the items being sought for earthquake victims are blood donations.
  • The mayor of Concepcion- Chile’s second-largest city which was located about seventy miles from the epicenter- ripped the federal government’s response to the disaster.
  • Speaking of which, Chilean President Michelle Bachelet promised to look into why the national tsunami warning system failed in alerting numerous coastal communities.
  • Lastly, the 8.8-magnitude earthquake was so severe that NASA scientists believed that it may have moved the Earth’s axis by three inches as well as shortened last Saturday by a over one microsecond.
Image- Guardian UK (Saturday’s earthquake caused a road in Santiago to collapse over a railway line).
Online Sources- Too many to list

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