Released in 2008, "Palavra (En)Cantada" is a Brazilian documentary that examines the evolution of pop music in that country. Chico Buarque, Adriana Calcanhotto, and Caetano Veloso are just a few of the musicians highlighted in this revealing film:
"Palavra (En)Cantada" will be featured at the 92nd Street Y Tribeca in New York City on March 25th. Click here for more info including buying tickets for the screening.
Online Sources - 92nd Street Y Tribeca, YouTube
That sounds excellent, hopefully can make the screening. Have you all checked out Caipirinha Appreciation Society's podcasts? (No, I don't work for them.) It's some kind of partnership between Univ of London and some people in Brazil. Pretty awesome traditional and funky stuff, interspersed with some bad rock every now and then. I highly recommend it. Peace