Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nuestro Cine: “Contracorriente”

Earlier this month we took a brief look at several latin American films that were recognized at this year’s Sundance Film Festival. One of these movies was Peru’s “Contracorriente”- a complex drama dealing with themes of homosexuality and love. Recently the movie’s director and writer- Javier Fuentes-León- was interviewed in the up-and-coming Latin America News Dispatch blog. He discussed several items including how film may help bring about social change:
I think cinema can help — art in general — can help change people’s minds. I do think though what will really change people’s minds will always be having somebody else next to them say, “hey, I’m gay.” Somebody they love or admire or respect. And seeing them live their lives as who they are. I don’t want to diminish the power of cinema and art, but I don’t want to overstate it either.
Do you agree with Fuentes-León? See for yourself with the trailer for “Contracorriente”:

Online Sources- Latin America News Dispatch, Latin Americanist

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