Thursday, November 12, 2009

The future of Dobbs

By now you’ve probably heard that Lou Dobbs abruptly said “Adios” to CNN on Wednesday. But what will be the next step in the career of the controversial commentator? Here are a few possibilities:
  • Gets his own show with FOX News – Though Dobbs has been involved in a heated feud with some at Fox Business Network, his populist anti-immigrant rhetoric would be more in tune with the political commentators on its older sister network. (The ratings of his CNN show were mired in fourth, however.)
  • Run for public office – There were rumors last year that Dobbs was preparing a run for New Jersey governor though that never came to fruition. Perhaps he might aim for the state legislature and take it from there.
  • Back to business – Dobbs was “a straight-laced business anchor” when he first joined CNN in the early 1980s and returning to that could deflect some of the justified criticism he got as a commentator.
  • Sit back and do nothing –Dobbs said he would “pursue more advocacy journalism” after leaving CNN and he may decide that the best way to do so is via his daily radio show.
  • No holds barred debate on Univision against Jorge Ramos – Dreams could come true (and it would be fun to see Ramos knock Dobbs down several notches).
Any other suggestions or are you too glad to see him twist in the wind?

Image- Huffington Post (Lou Dobbs in the early days at CNN over a quarter century ago).
Online Sources- MSNBC,, The Latin Americanist, New York Times, Vivirlatino


  1. I loved Lou Dobbs when he was sane and sound.

    I have always foreseen and forecasted the decay of the Hate Mongers and Hate Merchants. That has always been my prediction. But I never imagined Lou falling so fast.

    They will fall like the Nazi Catholic Priest : Father Charles Edward Coughlin, during the times of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. ( A hater of Jews )

    I wonder to what extent the "sickness" of Lou Dobbs is produced by premature old age, like an Alzheimer, or some mental deficiency, chemical imbalance in the brain.

    I understand very well that some people are educated in Racism or Ethnocentrism. Or they develop these attitudes during life.

    One possible motivation to develop this discourse is the Money that it produces. I understand that someone that is very limited mentally without too much Intellect can preach against a Race or Ethnic Group and become very popular, get a big Radio or TV Audience, that produces MONEY, or the haters can get a lot of donations ( like the Minutemen )

    I liked Mr Dobbs when he wasn't an extremist. I watched his programs. I thought that he had a beautiful career for many years. But he is in fast decay.

    I return to my theory of some Mental Imbalance, Chemical Deficiency, Alzheimer or Incapacitating Disease.

    If Lou is hired by Fox News, then he would be in competition with Super Histrionics like Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity.

    I wonder if Lou can perform better than Glenn at Crying, Weeping, Sobbing.

    I wonder if Lou has a better "Gotcha" than Bill O'Reilly.

    I wonder if he can be more righteous than Sean Hannity.

    Vicente Duque

  2. Our Friend "the Indigenous Xicano" wrote this :

    "Lou Dobbs will look sane next to Glen Beck, but one can probably say that about 99.9 % of the world. Beck is the measuring stick of lunacy."

    Here is the blog of Indigenous Xicano :

    The Indigenous Xicano

    Vicente Duque

  3. I doubt that his opinions arise from mental illness; I've seen his program from time to time and he didn't appear to be overly imbalanced.

    This is not to say that he is not wrong and dishonest in some of his views (i.e. his stretching of the truth on Mexican lepers entering the U.S.) What does appear to have happened is that he cracked under pressure from the mounting (albeit justified) criticism against him. For instance, he was somewhat crude in countering the critiques by John Stossel and Geraldo Rivera and absolutely foolish in targeting immigrants' rights and latino groups after bullet holes were found on the side of his house. That, along with such low ratings and diminishing support from CNN execs, seemed to have pushed Dobbs into leaving so suddenly from the network.

    I honestly hope he can bounce back not as the zealous populist commentator he transformed into but into the solid financial reporter he once was. Sadly, I think he crossed the point of no return and he'll be stuck in the messy bed he made.
