Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dear Mr. Obama...

Obama writes Lula. Lula writes back.Who knew being a world leader required advanced skills in Microsoft Word?

In his response, Lula gave Obama a friendly warning that recognizing the outcome of this weekend's Honduran elections would isolate the US in the region.

Lower down the chain of command, Brazilian foreign policy adviser, Marco AurĂ©lio Garcia told White House National Security Advisor Jim Jones that “very important countries — the majority in terms of population and political weight — won’t recognize” the results of the election.

A divided hemisphere will certainly make it more difficult to confront major regional challenges like drug trafficking, immigration, and trade.

On a less wonky note, the potential for a continued standoff also raises the amusing question of just how long Mel Zelaya can stay holed up in the Brazilian embassy.

Image Source:
Online Sources: NY Times, Reuters

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