Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ciudad Juarez Looks to the Global Community for Help with Crime

The Latin Americanist has been reporting on the ongoing violence in Mexico, particularly in the border region for quite some time. Becoming fed up with crime, Ciudad Juarez is reaching out beyond the federal governments of Mexico and the U.S. and asking the global community for help.

In Ciudad Juarez, a fundamental area for maquiladoras in Mexico, the city's Association of Maquiladoras has requested the aid and intervention of the United Nations. Peacekeepers are being asked to come to Cuidad Juarez at the failure of local and federal authorities in combating the violent crimes in the city. The violence, including murder, extortion, and kidnapping, has led to thousands of business closings in the area. Many business owners have even fled over the border to El Paso, TX.

Although thousands of troops and federal police have been sent to combat the violence in Ciudad Juarez, about 2,000 people have died so far this year in drug-related violence.

Online Sources: AFP, Associated Press, The Monitor

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