Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Today's Video: Think pink in Mexico

First it was special ladies-only pink buses which circulated in order to bring safety to Mexico City women sick of being leered and pinched. The newest female-oriented transportation program in Mexico is being tested in nearby Puebla with women-only "Pink Taxis". The reaction so far has been mixed:
"Some of the woman who have been on board tell us how male taxi drivers cross the line and try to flirt with them and make inappropriate propositions," said taxi driver Aida Santos, who drives one of the compact, four-door taxis with a tracking device and an alarm button that notifies emergency services. "In the Pink Taxi they won't have that feeling of insecurity, and they feel more relaxed"...

"We are in the 21st century, and they are saying women have continued worrying about beauty and nothing more," said Vianeth Rojas, of the Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Puebla. "They are absolutely not helping eradicate violence against women."
What do you think about the "Pink Taxi" initiative? Take a look and decide for yourself:

Online Sources - YouTube, MSNBC, Reuters

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