Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Miercoles Musical: The first "peace concert"

Preparations are under way for this Sunday's "peace concert" in Havana featuring fifteen artists from Europe and the Americas. The organizers of this "Paz Sin Fronteras" gig have plenty to think about such as what sort of political message will be conveyed via the musicians and will the concert go off without a hitch.

It may be worth remembering the first "Paz Sin Fronteras" effort eighteen months ago along the Colombia-Venezuela border. It was a true festival of music in the midst of political tensions between the neighboring states. The tensions still remain but for one day Juanes, Miguel Bose and others helped show the power that music can have in uniting us as people:

If you reside in the U.S. and wish to watch the convert on TV, HITN-TV will air the concert live from Havana starting this Sunday at 2pm EST. Click here for more info including if HITN is available in your area.

Online Sources - HITN, Reuters,, YouTube

1 comment:

  1. A mí no me gusta la música de Juanes pero hay una canción que para mí si vale la pena resaltar. Y esta "Ando la camisa negra". Es uan de las mejores canciones que ellos tienen.
