Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Why is Florida’s governor against Sonia Sotomayor?

Yesterday we mentioned how numerous moderate Republican senators have given their support to Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. (To that list we can add the leading GOP member of the Judiciary Committee: Sen. Lindsay Graham). The issue of Sotomayor and her record has become a hot topic in the election to replace Sen. Mel Martinez.

After weeks of silence, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist announced that he opposes Sotomayor’s bid for the high court. "I have strong concerns that Judge Sotomayor would not strictly and objectively construe the Constitution and lacks respect for the fundamental right to keep and bear arms," said the candidate who is well ahead in polls and funding for the GOP primary.

Crist’s decision has upset some local Latino leaders such as a “very disappointed" Luis De Rose of the South Florida Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce. Yet why would Crist risk such a move in a state with such a prominent Latino electorate and with his main rival being a Latino (former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio)? The answer is simple politics: Crist is trying to show primary voters that he’s more on the right than Rubio.
Gov. Charlie Crist, whose embrace of President Barack Obama's stimulus plan cost him support among some conservative Republicans, echoed their objections to Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor in a statement Tuesday…

Crist is far ahead in polls and fundraising, but Republican rival Marco Rubio has found scattered support among party activists who lean conservative.

``I'm happy Crist took that position on Sotomayor, and I think the campaign could be influencing him in that direction,'' said Republican consultant Dennis Baxley, the former head of the Christian Coalition of Florida.
Despite the in risk alienating the Latino vote Rubio has alluded that he would be against Sotomayor.

Ironically, Martinez has backed Sotomayor’s bid and deemed her as “well qualified” to serve on the Supreme Court.

Image- CNN
Online Sources- Miami Herald, Weekly Standard, Miami New Times, Wonkette, Reuters,, The Latin Americanist

1 comment:

  1. "The most Devilish Feat of the Devil" - And - "If there is no God then Everything is Allowed"

    The Priest of my village once told me that the "The most Devilish Feat of the Devil was to persuade us that the Devil does not exist" .... He told me that a Pope many years ago had proclaimed that exact phrase.

    Since we are not scared of being boiled in vegetable oil, or roasted in eternal flames then we are allowed to do more things.

    So Fyodor Dostoevsky was right : "If there is no God then Everything is Allowed"

    That may explain the many Governors that go in sexual excursions with lovers, courtesans and prostitutes, using tax money, this is thanks to the generosity and imbecility of taxpayers that believe in their lies about "Family Values" and many confessions of Great Friendship and Allegiance to "God", and the pastors that approve and applaud them before elections.

    And Now the Worst Racists in the World are telling us that "Racism no longer exists" that "Racism is dead" and that the only racists are Minorities like Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

    The Racists are the "Hispanics" or "Blacks" ... and this has even received the name of Reverse Racism.

    So, the Ugly Racism of Yore doesn't exist any longer, and only foolish Minorities with Inferiority Complexes do Reverse Racism !

    We are now living in the PostRacist Nirvana, in the Paradise of PostRaciality.

    Thanks Heaven that we escaped those horrible times of Yesterday and can live in perfect Happiness and Understanding now, and Thanks God that we are secure now of finding Friendship, Kindness and Love everywhere.

    Thanks Heaven, Thanks God, and Thanks the Devil !!

    Vicente Duque
