Saturday, July 11, 2009

Weekend Headlines: July 11-12, 2009

* Brazil: Brazilian officials blasted the Group of Eight (G8) compromise to combat climate change by moderately lowering global emissions rates.

* Panama: A European consortium led by a Spanish construction firm won the multibillion dollar bid to expand the Panama Canal.

* U.S.: Texan authorities arrested two men charged with holding 25 immigrants from El Salvador and Honduras hostage as part of a smuggling operation.

* Chile: The Chilean peso fell to its lowest point in three weeks as the country’s economy tries to weather the international financial storm.

* Guatemala: An appeals court dropped conspiracy charges against a man who was accused of using Twitter to create a run on a local bank.

* Haiti: Is the United Nations covering up the violence during the recent funeral of activist and priest Father Gerard Jean-Juste?

Image- AP (“A view of a round table session, at the G8 summit, in L'Aquila, Italy, Friday, July 10, 2009. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber, Pool)”)
Online Sources- UPI, Xinhua, BBC News, Bloomberg, Guardian UK, Upside Down World

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