Friday, July 17, 2009

Troops Seize Venezuelan Police Station

Venezuelan National Guard troops seized a police station in the town of Curiepe this week. The state police fall under control of the governor of Miranda state, Henrique Capriles, who is a member of the opposition.

Hundreds of citizens gathered at the police station and threw rocks, bottles and homemade bombs. The troops responded with tear gas. Eight were injured in the riot. "It looks like a battlefield," Police Chief Elisio Guzman told the Miami Herald.

Governor Capriles said that the actions were premeditated and were headed up by the minister of the interior. President Chavez maintains that it was a necessary action in order to improve public services and reduce rampant corruption.

Online sources-New York Times, Miami Herald, Associated Press


  1. Venezuela is ruled by a degraded and debased Man, so it is not a surprise that these shameful events occur. This is Vulgarocracy, the Reign of Vulgarity and Idiotic Populism, also Demagocracy, the rule of demagogues.

    Chavez is a shame for Latin American, Latin Americans and friends of Latin America.

    I predict more shameful occurrences like this one, more events of violence, prodded by the intolerance and lack of Democracy of this ruler, a militaristic gorilla.

    He is always preaching Jingoism, Chauvinism, Ridiculous Patriotism and what is called "Patrioterismo" in Latin America, that is exciting low passions and fear in order to gain in the political game.

    He needs to gather people around him by creating fake enemies and straw men to beat.

    Like the United States, Colombia, Israel, etc ... Those nations take their turns to be offended and smeared by Chavez.

    What a shame !! ... This makes "Latin American Unity" look like an Impossible Dream, an Impossible Utopia, almost a ridiculous utterance.

    Lots of water will pass under bridges, before these guys : Chavez, Ortega and Correa, are replaced by sound minds, by Sanity instead of Madness, Hate, Fear, Vulgarity and Stupid Jingoism.

    And very stupid Economic Theories that impoverish those three unfortunate countries.

    Vicente Duque

  2. The Friedman theories, the Chicago Boys and Venezuela - the same pattern is about to unfold in all third world countries, this is absolutely as predicted.
