Monday, July 13, 2009

Live feed: Sotomayor confirmation hearings (Updated)

Update (5:30pm):
Day one of the confirmation hearings were largely dull and plain (aside from the disruptions by anti-abortion protesters and Sens. Gillibrand and Leahy getting testy at each other).

Sotomayor gave her opening statement this afternoon; she described her upbringing by her Puerto Rican mom and pledged to "apply the law" if she's confirmed.

Proceedings resume tomorrow at 10am; expect Republican senators to be more critical of her after today's introductory remarks.

One final note: criticize Sotomayor if you wish, but don't believe this stupid, false tale being e-mailed around.

Update (2:00pm):
With the hearings scheduled to restart at any moment after a roughly 90-minute recess, several sites are liveblogging today's proceedings:
Update (12:45pm):
So far the hearing has been largely calm as members of the Senate Judiciary Committee give their partisan pros and cons of Sotomayor. Nevertheless, Republican Sen. Lindsay Graham admitted that barring a "complete meltdown" Sotomayor would be confirmed as the next Supreme Court judge.

The only fireworks so far was a disruption by a member of the audience who yelled anti-abortion slogans. He was immediately thrown out of the chamber.

In the upcoming days it's expected that Sotomayor will be grilled on several issues such as racial discrimination, birth control, and gun control.

Original Post:
The first day of confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor begins this morning. If you are interested in paying attention to today's proceedings check out the live feed below courtesy of MSNBC:

Online Sources - CNN, MSNBC

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