Monday, July 20, 2009

Daily Headlines: July 20, 2009

* Spain: Cyclist Alberto Contador may’ve clinched the Tour de France after a win in Stage 15 earned him the yellow jersey and a 1:37 lead over teammate Lance Armstrong.

* U.S.: A second suspect was arrested in connection with the assault and bias attack of a Latino man in the New York borough of Staten Island.

* Brazil: According to the local press, an autopsy exam found that former boxing champion Arturo Gatti may've committed suicide but didn’t rule out murder.

* Latin America: The International Court of Justice will hold hearings in two months regarding a tense border dispute between Argentina and Uruguay.

Image- Guardian UK
Online Sources- AP, AFP, BBC Sport, New York Daily News


  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

    The threat is from Nicaragua and Venezuela sending their socialist para-military militias to invade Honduras, kill people who do not agree with them, and destroy the economy of Honduras.

    The goal of the leftists outside of Honduras is to install a socialist dictator in Honduras in the same manner death threats and a one party take over of the election commission in Venezuela resulted in the constitution and supreme court of Venezuela being changed just the way Chavez, the then want to be, and now defacto dictator of Venezuela, wanted it to be.

    Result, Chavez avoided term limits, shut down the non-government controlled media in Venezuela, replaced all the members of the Supreme court with his cronies, changed the constitution, and effectively made himself President ( dictator ) for life in Venezuela.

    Same script is now being played out in Honduras. Apparently, Obama is giving the green light to this invasion by his attempts to portray any elected politician or Supreme Court justice in Honduras who is trying to defend the Honduran democratic constitution of being a member of a military dictatorship.

    Obama to the Socialists dictators: "go ahead and take Honduras, I have your back if the Honduras military resists the foreign mercenaries you are sending into Honduras".

  2. this conflict between Venezuela and Colombia can lead into something real big, both countries are strong armed and with a incredible desire to end with this, is just a mere question to see who will be the first in shoot.
