Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bolivia’s Morales suggests expanding ALBA

With Bolivia set to host the upcoming summit of the ALBA trade bloc in September, the Andean country’s president proposed expanding the alliance.

Evo Morales suggested that the socialist group consisting of Bolivia, Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador and Nicaragua should focus their efforts on areas including political parties and social movements. He also added that future expansion should also include increased military cooperation in light of last month’s military ouster of Honduras’ Manuel Zelaya. “This coup is a threat against the continued growth of Alba,” Morales said on Monday in an interview with a Bolivian state radio station.

Speaking of the mess in Honduras and the ALBA, the Central American country’s interim regime has reiterated threats of Venezuelan interference:
Honduras' interim government on Tuesday gave 72 hours to Venezuelan diplomats to leave, accusing them of threatening to use force and interfering into the country's internal affairs…

The request, however, was turned down by Venezuelan diplomats who said they would not leave Honduras and would not obey the order of any coup government not recognized by Venezuela.
Image- CNN (2008 file photo of Bolivia president Evo Morales)
Online Sources- Miami Herald, The Latin Americanist, Bloomberg, Xinhua

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