Monday, June 22, 2009

“Time to rethink celibacy” says priest-turned-president

After fathering at least one child during his time as a priest, who better than Paraguayan president Fernando Lugo to give his views on celibacy:
“I believe that it’s time to rethink celibacy in Latin America and the world” declared Lugo…

“Celibacy is a value within the Catholic Church that needs to be recognized as a sign of God’s realm. (Yet) when that sign is lost then I think we must rethink celibacy in Latin America and the world. I think that the most recent incidents should call us and the Church to have a serene reflection over the value of celibacy” insisted Lugo in an interview with Chilean daily El Mercurio. – [ed. personal translation]
Lugo added that he now “assumed the consequences” of having fathered a child with 26-year-old Viviana Carillo two years ago. Last week, a local judge allowed that child to adopt his dad’s name with Lugo’s explicit permission.

Two other women have gone to court in paternity suits claiming that Lugo fathered their children. In one of those cases, Lugo has refused to take a court-ordered DNA test.

Online Sources- Clarin, La Nacion, BBC Mundo, The Latin Americanist, Washnigton Examiner

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