Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Obama to Chile: No apologies

President Barack Obama refused to apologize over the role that U.S. intelligence played in the 1973 coup d’état against Chilean President Salvador Allende.

After receiving current Chilean leader Michelle Bachelet in the White House, Obama was asked about CIA involvement in Latin America such as the coup that brought Augusto Pinochet into power. Despite admitting that errors have been made in the past, Obama emphasized the need to move ahead in U.S.-Latin America relations:
“I'm interested in going forward, not looking backward," said Obama, who has pledged to reinvigorate ties with Latin America, after what his advisors believe was neglect during the previous Bush administration.

"I think that the United States has been an enormous force for good in the world. I think there have been times where we've made mistakes," Obama said in the Oval Office.

"But I think that what is important is looking at what our policies are today, and what my administration intends to do in cooperating with the region.
(Obama’s remarks were similar to the ones made during the recent Summit of the Americas after being criticized by Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega).

Obama also praised Chile’s improving economy under Bachelet which he described as “a good lesson for the U.S.” Obama also commended Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva for being “a very practical person” and for promoting democratic ideals.

Image- AFP
Online Sources- The Latin Americanist, AFP, Santiago Times, La Plaza, Slate

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