Thursday, June 11, 2009

Notable Quotable: Trashcan of the Americas?!

More than ever before, Miami continues to be the great continental trash can for all the defeated oligarchies.
---A scathing op/ed piece in the Cuban state-run daily Granma aimed at who they consider as the “strong nucleus of right extremists from various Latin American countries” that call Miami home.

The article centered on the lack of extradition from the U.S. of Luis Posada Carriles- a former CIA operative wanted by Venezuela and Cuba for alleged terrorist activities. According to the piece, Posada is part of a massive conspiracy centered in Miami that is targeting the Venezuelan and Cuban governments.

Posada currently stands on trial facing immigration fraud and perjury charges relating to his accused lying to an immigration judge over his previous activities. His defense team argued for a delay and that request was granted today by a federal justice in El Paso who postponed trial until February 2010.

Image- South Florida Sun-Sentinel (2007 file photo of Luis Posada Carriles)
Online Sources- Granma International, UPI, AP

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