Monday, June 1, 2009

Funes takes the helm

Updating the previous story, here is a full-text version of Funes' inaugural address, made available on the Salvadoran government's website. His address, interestingly, gives shout-outs to Obama and Lula -- no other heads of state are mentioned - not even outgoing President Saca is thanked. Hillary is, however. Lest anyone worry that the new leftist president is already going soft, he made sure to emphasize El Salvador's new policy of open diplomacy with Cuba, which renders the US the last country in the region to officially not recognize the Cuban state.

In fact, the speech, which was deemed "very reasonable" by even some skeptical private sector analysts, may well characterize Funes' gubernatorial debut as associated with the "new left" -- popular in sentiment and policy, but above all, pragmatic.

Interestingly, at the inauguration, dozens and dozens of world and regional leaders were present, with the notable (and unexplained) absences of Daniel Ortega and Hugo Chavez.

Also of note in the Salvadoran press is that Funes -- who recently testified against the accused murderer of his eldest son, Alejandro, in France -- came on stage this morning holding his smiling 19 month-old son, Gabriel, who has fast become a media darling in El Salvador. ("Gabo 2059 - Sí Se Puede"?)

Sources: Reuters, AP, La Prensa Gráfica, El Diario de Hoy

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