Monday, June 22, 2009

Daily Headlines: June 22, 2009

* Ecuador: President Rafael Correa said that he would consider allowing Ecuador to throw out foreign oil firms that sue the state in international courts.

* Peru: President Alan Garcia’s popularity has hit its lowest point in eight months as people are indignant over his handling of anti-government protests.

* Mexico: Over 1500 additional troops have been sent to the border city of Ciudad Juarez in an attempt to stop drug-related violence.

* U.S.: Portugal could join fellow E.U. members Italy and (possibly) Spain in taking in detainees from the Guantanamo prison camp.

Image- CNBC
Online Sources- The Latin Americanist, LAHT, Washington Post, ABC Online, AHN


  1. ...In his traditional Saturday discurso, Correa also said that he will no longer allow any government advertising to be published in any media, print or electronic, that has any foreign owner participation...

  2. If that's the case then wouldn't that backfire since the government is in effect shutting itself out of a major part of the media?
