* Guatemala: The Council on Hemispheric Affairs looks at the difficulties faced by Guatemala’s indigenous peoples and how the government is accused of neglecting their needs.
* U.S.: A federal judge dismissed the case against four illegal immigrants supposedly of Mexican background since they had their constitutional rights violated in a 2007 raid.
* Cuba: Proceedings for the first Guantanamo detainee to be tried on U.S. soil began yesterday.
* Uruguay: IPS examines Uruguay’s labor union representing domestic workers as well as the discrimination they have to put up with on a daily basis.
Image- daylife.com (“A Guatemalan indigenous victim of the armed conflict (1960-1996) gesture during a protest in front of the congress on February 21, 2008 in Guatemala City. The demonstrators demand the congress to declare the February 25 as the national dignity day of the victims of the armed conflict.”)
Online Sources- IPS, Council on Hemispheric Affairs, AP, BBC News
I think we should treat latins with more respect, since the ancient Roman civilization is the origin of many parts of our culture that we take for granted, from certain Latin words derived, to legal traditions, symbols, holidays, and other aspects and cultural practices.