Thursday, May 28, 2009

Notable Quotable: All for love

"I've seen with my own eyes how many brothers of mine serve God as married men and with the blessing of having their own families."
--- Father (soon to be Reverend) Alberto Cutie announced on Thursday that he would join the Episcopalian Church weeks after tabloid photos caught canoodling on the beach with his secret girlfriend.

The head of the Catholic Church's Miami archdiocese said he was "deeply disappointed" by the news, yet Cutie admitted that any mass he might perform would be "invalid” had he stayed as a Roman Catholic priest.

It remains to be seen how the move will affect Cutie’s popularity; his youthful looks, warm demenaor, and charisma led him to build a loyal following via numerous television and radio appearances.

Image- CNN
Online Sources- CNN, Reuters, New York Times

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