Todays' piece by Abraham Lowenthal in the Boston Globe synopsizes the rising chorus of experts calling for Obama's unique opportunity at the April 17 - 19 Fifth Summit of the Americas. "Above all else," Lowenthal implores, Obama should take the opportunity to "listen."
Little doubt exists that Obama will be able to do this much, and do it well.
The speculation abounds, however, on whether Obama will use the opportunity to make any major proclamations. It seems unlikely that he'll give more than passing mention to Cuba (which will not be sending official envoys) -- though he may announce something beforehand. How much he'll devote to regional powers Mexico and Brazil (with whose leaders he's already met) over reaching out to smaller countries or less amenable leaders remains to be seen. It will be interesting to gauge his inevitable mention of immigration policies and hints at what he would like to see changed (though will probably have little power bring to fruition).
The media will be on the lookout for the chance handshake (or the money shot -- a hug) with Chavez -- Morales or Ortega, would do, however.
A number of other recent entreaties on how Obama should approach the summit are available below:
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