Monday, April 27, 2009

The misadventures of 00-pendejo

Some stories speak for themselves:
A British intelligence officer undermined a large anti-drugs operation in South America by leaving a computer memory stick on a bus, it has been claimed.

The blunder risked the lives of dozens of undercover agents and their informants whose details were contained on the stick, according to reports.

Security bosses were forced to suspend operations against drugs barons in Colombia and relocate the compromised agents, amid fears that they would be targeted for retribution.

An officer working for the Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA) left the memory stick in her handbag on a bus after landing at El Dorado airport in Bogota, where she was to start a new position working with MI5 and MI6 to gather information on the cocaine trade…

A spokesman for Soca, which was established in 2006 as Britain's answer to the FBI, said that the loss took place in the early days of the agency "whilst staff were still working to the data-handling policies of precursor agencies."

Image- Daily Mail
Online Sources- The Telegraph

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