Thursday, January 22, 2009

Newborn Colombian named after Obama

I’ll admit it; I supported the guy's campaign, voted for him, cheered his inauguration, and have faith in his presidency. But this is just a little too premature:
The Cali parents of a baby born on Tuesday, decided to name their baby after the new U.S. President. The newborn will go through life known as Barack Obama Sandoval Fajardo.

"I feel very proud of my boy and I am proud to give him this name. I hope that, even though today he is humble person, in the future he will do something productive, just like Obama," little Barack Obama's mother Silvia said…

"We will provide them with all the necessary attention. We are going to help with the vaccines, with diapers and with milk in the coming six months," hospital director William Perra told French press agency AFP.
The use of naming children in the Americas after international public figures isn’t that unusual; naming kids “Clinton” after the 42nd U.S. president became very popular in some countries during the 1990s. According to a January 2007 IHT article, names like Taj-Mahal Sánchez, Elvis Presley Gomez Morillo, and Darwin Lenin Jimenez appear on Venezuela’s voter registry.

Image- Southern Ledger (“A boy stands in front of a poster of President Barack Obama in Puerto Tejada, Colombia, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009.”)
Online Sources- Wikipedia, Colombia Reports, IHT

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