Earlier today, New Mexico governor Bill Richardson
officially endorsed Barack Obama’s bid for the presidency.
Richardson called Obama a “once-in-a-lifetime leader [who] understands it clearly that by only bringing people together and by bridging our differences
can we succeed together as Americans.”
Numerous bloggers talked about today’s pivotal endorsement; here’s what a few of them had to say:
The Huffington Post
Governor Bill Richardson's endorsement of Barack Obama today is a big boost for the grassroots wing of the Democratic Party. I thought all along that Richardson was just running to be Hillary Clinton's vice presidential candidate, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that Richardson recognizes the historic direction Obama is trying to take the party. (Where is John Edwards?)
This is significant for several reasons.
First, Richardson worked in the Bill Clinton administration, and it was widely expected he would endorse Hillary.
Second, Richardson can help Obama with the Hispanic vote, one of the few groups where Obama isn't strong.
Third, Richardson can swing some superdelegates.
Fourth, Richardson can help Obama win the states in the west.
Fifth, this is a big slap in the face to the Clintons. Richardson has been touted as the VEEP for Hillary, and now that's not going to happen if she's the nominee.
Richardson had been courted aggressively by the Hillary Clinton camp, even using Bill Clinton, Richardson's former boss when he was energy secretary. I can hear the Clinton disappointment now.
Bill Clinton : Bill, amigo. I thought we had a deal? We watched the Superbowl together!
Bill Richardson: Bill, you act like we were watching futbol futbol. It was just American football.
The Swamp
Being a Hispanic American, Richardson said he was especially touched by the speech [given by Obama on race relations and remarks from Reverend Jeremiah Wright].
"He asked every American to see the reality and the pain of other Americans, so that together we can rise above that which has divided us. He appealed to the best in us," he said. "I have been troubled by the demonization of immigrants -- specifically Hispanics -- by too many in this country."
The News Buckit
Like everything Richardson did this campaign season, his timing was predictably inept: after all the states with a big Hispanic population, just as Easter weekend's beginning, and at the cost of his connections to the Clinton campaign, whose family arguably made him what he was.
The White House Intel Report
… Clinton’s strong name recognition and Latino support has slowly diminished and now I believe Latinos may start taking a look at Barack Obama more seriously. The alternative might still be mildly appealing to Latinos, as John McCain has been fair and favorable to Mexican American heritage with his policies. Since Clinton doesn’t need the Latino support for the general as much, it’s good to see Barack Obama starting to earn the Latino vote.
The New York Times might be right. Richardson's endorsements might bring in additional support for Obama from Lati.. - ehem - Hispanic voters in the primaries and caucuses ahead. And that's my hope. But I have a feeling that the impact of the Richardson endorsement will be regional rather than national when it comes to the Latino/Hispanic community, much like his appeal as a presidential candidate to specific Latino communities throughout the United States.
In any case, thank you, Bill Richardson.
The point is, no one cares about Bill Richardson, otherwise they would have voted for him. Barack Obama knows this and probably offered Richardson a traveling press secretary's role with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which only exists in your imagination.
My very brief take on today's endorsement: I'm somewhat giddy at the possibility of an Obama/Richardson ticket.
Image - Associated Press
Sources- The Huffington Post, The Swamp, Sharoncobb, VivirLatino, The White House Intel Report, Blabbeando, The News Buckit, Wonkette, Voice of America, AFP