Thursday, December 11, 2008

Venezuela: Manuel Rosales under indictment

Venezuelan opposition leader Manuel Rosales was placed under indictment over alleged charges of corruption.

Local prosecutors based their accusations of “illicit enrichment" after a two-year investigation into his former governorship of Zulia. In addition, a Congressional committee “found evasion, omission and influence peddling” in the contracting of a private firm to run Zulia’s lottery during Rosales’ time in power.

Rosales’ allies denied the charges with one opposition politico calling the charges “absolutely ridiculous”. Rosales- who was recently elected mayor of Maracaibo- was adamant (and hyperbolic) in proclaiming his innocence:
"Today we've come to confront this political lynching that they are trying to do, a terrorist trial, a political trial," said Rosales, a former presidential candidate who last month was elected mayor of Maracaibo, Venezuela's second-biggest city.

"The only thing missing is for them to investigate me for the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy," Rosales told a news conference.
Image- AP (“Opposition leader Manuel Rosales, center, surrounded by bodyguards, arrives to the state prosecutor's office in Caracas, Thursday, Dec. 11, 2008.”)
Sources- AP, El Universal, Voice of America, Reuters, Bloomberg

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