Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today’s Video: An Andean lynching

Per Reuters:
At least two Bolivians have died and nine others were seriously injured in an act of vigilante justice against alleged thieves.

Eleven people were targeted in the Achacachi municipality of the La Paz department for allegedly stealing.

The victims were doused in petrol and set on fire at the local soccer stadium as hundreds of locals watched. Two died before police broke up the lynching and three remain in a grave condition.
Some scenes in the video below are not for the faint of heart and some discretion may be necessary. The video is Not Safe for Work!

Sources- Reuters

1 comment:

  1. That is a pretty horrifying video. I actually just wanted to note that at 47 seconds, the voiceover claims that "the lynchings were advertised on a board outside the stadium". A non-Spanish speaker could imagine that the camera is pointing at the board in question at that moment. But it's not; the board just gives details of the construction project. I can only assume that the lynching board was gone by that point so Reuters had to show us what "a board" looks like?!
