Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Today’s Video: Police brutality in Colombia?

Thousands of indigenous activists and allies have taken to the roads of Colombia since mid-October to march in anti-government protests. Details are vague as little has been mentioned by the domestic and international press on the situation. Yet it has been reported by CNN that clashes between riot police and protesters have gotten ugly in recent days including the deaths of two men by gunfire.

The following video from CNN showed part of what protesters allege is brutality by the military against them. If you fast forward to the 1:35 mark you can see footage of a soldier firing his weapon though it’s unknown if he was aiming at anybody:

Sources- CNN, Plan Colombia and Beyond, Global Voices Online

1 comment:

  1. I don't know when these shabby tactics from the police are going to end, I have been observing from my childhood how these cops take the lives of others in the name of keeping law and order, but they should also know that along with this they also have to make sure they don't kill an innocent person, police needs a lot more training according to me to make sure these kind of mishaps don't happen, I was just watching a news on NTA Africa in which a sloppy cop killed a a person high on magic mushrooms just because of his unprofessional behaviour to tackle the problem he exterminated a soul from this world.
