Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Venezuela to launch telecom satellite

Space, the final frontier will soon be explored by Venezuela:

Venezuela's first satellite will be launched by China in November as part of an ambitious space program with the communist space giant.

The Chinese-made satellite, Simon Bolivar, named after Venezuela's independence hero, is for broadcast and telecommunications purposes and is due to be launched on Nov 2, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said.

Chavez also remarked over his desire to build and launch a second satellite in order to map Latin America. “Who has got great multicolored maps of Venezuela? The Yankees,” said Chavez who added “Now we are going to have our own.”

Do you hear that crumpling sound? It’s the noise of one too many tin foil hats being placed on the noggins of conspiracy theorists.

Image- AFP

Sources- The Hindu, Reuters, Press Association

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    That's exactly what the poor of Venezuela's shantyowns need -- colored maps.
