Friday, August 1, 2008

Daily Headlines: August 1, 2008

* Ecuador: Indigenous leaders are planning to meet with politicians in Washington and will denounce “Chevron's desperate attempt to quash” accusations of polluting in the rainforest.

* U.S.: Governor Bill Richardson may have endorsed Barack Obama though that hasn’t stopped him from planning a pair of fundraisers to lower Hillary Clinton’s campaign debts.

* Brazil: Workers at Petrobras oil firm have decided to suspend their strike planned for this Tuesday.

* Bolivia: After two days of occupying Bolivia’s Communications Palace, protestors agreed to leave but will continue to pressure the government to approve a new pension law.

Image- On Deadline (“In this 1995 AP file photo, Ecuadorean women stand near an open oil pit in the Sucumbios province in the Amazon, where Chevron operated.”)

Sources- The Latin Americanist, AHN, Reuters, Xinhua, MarketWatch

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