Monday, August 11, 2008

Court rules against gays in Costa Rica

Gay inmates do not have the right to conjugal visits like heterosexual couples do according to a verdict handed down by Costa Rica’s highest court. The decision by prison officials to stop the weekly conjugal visits of a former convict “falls within the scope of their rights, duties and powers” said the country’s Constitutional Tribunal.

When all is said and done, however, the court’s ruling may be rendered moot:

The court, however, is still debating another appeal in a similar case that challenges prison rules restricting conjugal visits to heterosexual couples as violating the basic right to sexual freedom of all inmates, including homosexuals.

The high court's ruling could also be affected if Congress votes and passes a bill currently under debate that would legalize gay marriage.

Approximately 20,000 Costa Ricans marched last month in a protest organized by religious leaders against homosexual marriage. However, there is a “substantial level” of gay tourism in Costa Rica, according to one source, which could be affected over the gay marriage issue.

Image- BBC News

Sources (English)- The Australian, AFP, Pink News, Topix

Sources (Spanish)- Terra España

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Being gay in costa rica isn't, easy on the outside! If in prison I,m sure any person wo is open about their sexuality may endanger their lives after a visit from someone of same sex. The high court may have considered the SAFETY aspect of inmates when deciding on the ruling. Sexuality is controversial all over the world and in some places accepted or at le sat tolerated. But behind bars........things are different. If imprisoned in costa rica as a foreigner especially, one should be careful of all advice, keep it to yourself and LEARN espaole!
