Thursday, July 24, 2008

Poll: Two-thirds of Latinos back Obama

One day after presidential hopeful Barack Obama released a Spanish-language radio ad, a poll showed overwhelming Latino support for him. According to the Pew Hispanic Center, 66% of over 2000 registered Latino voters responding the survey preferred the Illinois senator compared to only 23% for Republican rival John McCain. The poll also revealed that 65% of respondents leaned towards the Democratic Party and Cuban-Americans (generally a strong GOP ally) preferred Obama over McCain 53% to 39%.

Despite McCain’s recent trip to Mexico and Colombia, the results of the Pew survey are not a good sign for his campaign according to one pollster:

“That number should be very, very sobering for the McCain campaign,” said Tony Fabrizio, the pollster for 1996 Republican nominee Bob Dole. “The bottom line: Despite all of this positioning he’s taken on immigration, it’s shielded him nothing with Hispanics and it’s another point of distrust with Republicans”…

“You have to understand in a way that the Republican Party is damaged among Hispanics,” said Hessy Fernandez, McCain’s spokeswoman for Hispanic media. “But at the end of day it’s the contrast between Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama.”

Not all recent poll results have been bad news for the Arizona senator; McCain has closed the gap on Obama in four key swing states according to one survey.

Image- AFP (“Voters go to the polls in the predominantly Latino neighborhood of Boyle Heights in Los Angeles, California.”)

Sources- The Latin Americanist, FOX News,,, CNN, Reuters,

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