Monday, July 14, 2008

Daily Headlines: July 14, 2008

* South America: The rapid melting of glaciers due to climate change could lead to an energy crisis in South America according to an Andean Community of Nations report.

* Puerto Rico: Did you know that veterans in Puerto Rico get less health benefits than veterans in the U.S.?

* Panama: Another day, another “John McCain may not be eligible for the presidency because of his birth in the Panama Canal Zone” article.

* Colombia: The Swiss government denied allegations by their counterparts accusing a diplomat of aiding the FARC guerillas.

Image- Living in Peru (“Changes in the Qori Kalis Glacier, Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru, are shown between 1978 (top) and 2002. The glacier retreat during this time was 1,100 meters.”)

Sources- The Latin Americanist, Guardian UK, New York Times, Chicago Sun-Times, swissinfo

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