Friday, April 11, 2008

Oaxaca Violence Against Female Activist Journalist

There has been relative silence in the mainstream media concerning the politics of Oaxaca, Mexico. This would give the impression that things are a-ok, however nothing could be further from the truth.
On April 7, two radio reporters from a community radio were ambushed in Putla de Guerrero, Oaxaca, and shot to death. Teresa Bautista Flores, 24, and Felicitas Martínez, 20, two women journalists working for La Voz que Rompe el Silencio (The Voice that Breaks the Silence), were murdered allegedly by paramilitary forces. Three other people were wounded in the shooting: Jaciel Vázquez, aged 3, and his parents.
In an interview with Radio Bemba in Sonora, Mexico, Jorge Albino, coordinator of La Voz que Rompe el Silencio said that the radio station had been receiving death threats since its inception. The station was inagurated on January 20 to serve the Trique indigenous community in San Juan Copala, a year after the locality was granted administrative autonomy.
The women of Oaxaca have been at the forefront of activism in the Mexican region, making them more targeted than they already are.

Source : NYC Indymedia

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