Friday, April 4, 2008

Chile's New "Indio" Policy

Michelle Bachelet's administration in Chile has been widely criticized for how it has dealt with indigenous issues. In what can be interpreted as political damage control, earlier this week the Presidenta of Chile announced a new policy for indigenous people.
'Some say the problem facing indigenous people is just poverty, and that good targeting of subsidies would be the most appropriate policy. But we, on the other hand, maintain that it is a matter of rights, of a collective identity seeking expression in a multicultural society,' said Bachelet at a ceremony Tuesday in the palace of La Moneda, the seat of government.

'We are making progress on indigenous affairs, but now is the time to go further, and above all at a faster pace. We have the will, the grassroots support, the resources, the commitment and the legitimacy to do so,' she said."
There has been a new wave of violence against indigenous communities in Chile and an ongoing policy of taking lands from indigenous communities for public works projects.

The actual actions of this new policy are vague, at best, and it remains to be seen if and how the policy is put into real effect.

Via / Angry Indian, UNPO

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