Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Prince William County's Immigrant Crackdown Impacting Everyday Life - Even Futbol

Prince William County, Virginia, and it's anti-immigrant crackdown is something I've been following. Today an article in the Washington Post points out how public policy impacts the private lives and personal time of Latinos.
As Prince William proceeds with its crackdown on illegal immigrants, one result is a shake-up and shrinking of the area's entrenched Hispanic soccer leagues. The reason is simple, organizers say: Players and fans, among them many illegal immigrants, are so worried about being detained by authorities en route to or at games that they are avoiding local fields. Legal immigrants are also wary, for themselves or their illegal relatives, organizers say.
The result has been that teams have moved their games. Some don't play because not enough players have signed up. Spectators aren't showing up for games the way they used to , no children playing on the sidelines.

Futbol and local games are a regular part of my family life and I can't even envision what Flushing Meadow Park in Queens, NYC would look like if this situation were repeated here.

Source : Washington Post

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