Friday, January 4, 2008

Cuban infant mortality lowest in L. America, says gov’t

The infant mortality rate in Cuba is the lowest in Latin America and the second-lowest in the Western Hemisphere according to figures released today by Cuban health officials. The rate of 5.3 deaths per 1000 live births in 2007 equals the rate obtained in 2006 and is much lower than the UNICEF’s average rates for Latin America (26/1000) and the world (52/1000).

Based on the results, the Cuban press has praised their health care system which is free and available to all citizens. As Granma noted:

As experts acknowledge, the true measure of a nation’s progress is the quality of care provided for its children, their health and protection, material safety, their education and socialization. And the infant mortality rate is an indicator that measures those advances in a synthetic form.

Sources (English)- Prensa Latina, Granma, Cuban News Agency

Sources (Spanish)- Milenio

Image- Granma

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