Thursday, January 24, 2008

Alvaro Uribe Would Win a Popularity Contest

Despite worldwide criticisms of Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, if a Gallup poll inside Colombia is to be believed , he would be voted most popular! According to the poll Uribe can boast an 80% support rating in his country. 74 percent of those polled approve of his handling of international affairs, 67 percent approve of how he deals with FARC and other such movements, and 64 percent approve of his dealings with paramilitary movements.

The stats were collected via telephone last week from 1,000 men and women over age 18 in the cities of Bogotá, Cali, Medellín and Barranquilla.

Can this poll be trusted?

Source : El Tiempo
Image Source : Radio Santa Fe


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Of course it is go be trusted!!!
    We Colombians trust and stand by our president!
    Just look at the news and commentaries from all the political spectrum after Chavez announced that the FARC should be taken out of the terrorist list.
    EVERY SINGLE important Colombian plus all of the regular Colombian citizens stood by our president letting the world know that we love him and support him!

  2. It just seems like such a small sample and only from big cities.

  3. Even if you disagree with the sample, Gallup has used similar methodology throughout Uribe's term. So, at least in the major urban areas, they accurately show that his popularity is at his highest point. Rural areas are harder to measure.

  4. Let's be careful of equating repudiation of Chavez' comments on the FARC with support of Uribe. If all Colombians truly "love and support" him then how come there's still strong support for opposing political factions? [i.e. Polo, Liberal Party, non-Uribistas in last year's local elections)

  5. Anonymous7:40 PM

    I don't get it. Colombians support a guy who can't even negotiate the release of ONE hostage. Go figure.

  6. I do believe that in comparison with previous government´s, Uribe´s work has been impressive. I believe this poll has to be as trustworthy as previous ones. It is subject to error (maybe people who don´t support Uribe also don´t answer phone surveys), but all in all, there is satisfaction, and the political situation, although there are still rough moments, is a LOT better than it used to be.

  7. Anonymous10:35 PM

    If ignorant people only knew that this little man gave to Colombians hope to believe in a Country that was taken hostage by dark forces fueled by money from narcoterrorists,guerrillas,kidnappers,anarchists who did not care for nothing more than greed ...they will understand that courage and patriotism builds up trough action not only empty words.
