Monday, December 3, 2007

Beauty queen’s belongings not tainted says Puerto Rican police

Last week, Miss Puerto Rico- Ingrid Marie Rivera- alleged that she broke out in hives and her body swelled after her clothes and makeup were tainted by pepper spray. Rumors of “sabotage” grew as Miss Puerto Rico Universe pageant organizers stood by her side and she made several talk show appearances defending her claims.

Over the weekend, police forensics examiners concluded that there were no traces of pepper spray on her clothing or makeup. Though a spokeswoman of the island's Forensic Science Institute admitted that the outcome may’ve been affected by a delaying testing the items, police have become increasingly suspicious of Rivera:

"I guess she has a lot of explaining to do," police spokesman Stephen Alvarez said on Saturday.

Saying that he did not want his department used for purposes of publicity, Police Superintendent Pedro Toledo said he would investigate whether anyone provided false information to his detectives, which would be a felony.

The next Miss Universe pageant will be held in July 2008 purportedly in Vietnam.

Sources- ABC News, FOX News,, International Herald Tribune, Reuters, Xinhua

Image- New York Daily News

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