Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Video of the day: Fujimori’s “auto-golpe”

Yesterday, Peru’s Supreme Court sentenced ten ex-ministers for their role in a 1992 coup against the government led by then-president Alberto Fujimori. The “self-coup” was a severe blow to Peruvian democracy though Fujimori justified it as a “necessary” move.

Today’s VOTD comes from a 2005 documentary entitled “Fall of Fujmori”; it is a small portion recalling the 1992 “auto-golpe” and includes interviews with key actors such as Fujmori.

(Video link):

By the way, Fujimori remains in a Peruvian prison where he is awaiting trial for human rights violations and corruption during his decade-long rule.

Sources- Associated Press, BBC News, Fall of Fujimori, YouTube, Bloomberg

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