Thursday, November 29, 2007

CNN en Español Kills Chavez Then Apologizes

Hugo Chavez has people left and right apologizing for him and against him, not that he has ever apologized for anything. First his ex apologized for the role she played in promoting the Venezuelan president and his policies. Now, CNN en Español is apologizing for killing Chavez off via a technical error.

CNN en Español, the Spanish-language version of the round-the-clock cable news program, mistakenly ran a photograph of Chavez on Tuesday next to a caption that read, "Who killed him?"CNN apologized and blamed the snafu on a technical mixup.
The caption referred to a story about Washington Redskins football star Sean Taylor, who died after being shot this week in his suburban Miami home, but it was shown during a CNN story on a spat between Chavez and Colombian President Alvaro Uribe.
Of course, Chavez went to town with the mix-up, saying it was more proof that there is a U.S. conspiracy to kill him.

Source : The NY Daily News, VivirLatino

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