Friday, November 2, 2007

Bloggers of the world unite!

* So what do you think of the above Miami Beach campaign ad? Satire, racism, or upset that Speedy Gonzales wasn’t chosen?

* A few thoughts on the Day of the Dead celebrations today.

* Dominican Republic Cardinal Jesus Lopez Rodriguez got caught with the dreaded foot-in-mouth disease.

* Not all is what it seems for young Cubans wearing Lance Armstrong-type bracelets.

* Mmmm…Venezuelan hamburgers. (ed. note: Dammit, I miss El Corral)!

* Is a fundraiser to George W. Bush’s 2000 presidential campaign really linked to a pair of cocaine-laden jets found in Mexico?

* Click here for a fantastic interview with author Veronica Gonzalez.

* Polls indicate that undecided voters may be the key to deciding who wins this Sunday’s Guatemalan presidential election.

* Off topic: this is terribly lame, stupid, and hipster-rific.

Sources- Critical Miami, Guanabee, A Hamburger Today, Annors Development, Wonkette, Largehearted Boy, Bloggings by Boz, Two Weeks Notice, Brooklyn Vegan

Image- Critical Miami

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