Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Daily Headlines: August 22, 2007

* The uniform for the U.S. Border Patrol will be redesigned for the first time since the 1950s and “look more like military fatigues.”

* French media and telecoms group Vivendi received $105 million in compensation for a former water concession it had in Argentina.

* The Swiss government will continue to freeze the assets held by ruthless ex-Haitian dictator Jean- Claude Duvalier.

* General Motors wants to sustain steady growth in Latin America, according to a company senior execrative.

* Follow-up: On the same day that Brazil’s president announced a major anti-crime plan, police cracked down on a major drug gang.

Image- New York Times (According to the caption “Agents in san Diego model the old Border Patrol uniform, left, and the new one.”)

Sources- ABC News, The Latin Americanist, People’s Daily Online, Reuters UK, MarketWatch

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