Friday, July 20, 2007

Chilean “futbolistas” and Toronto police clash in brawl

Chile’s elimination last night from the under-20 World Cup semifinal against Argentina took a back seat after an altercation with Canadian cops.

The Chilean government will file a formal complaint with Canada after a post-match brawl between police and players that included the use of electric tasers:

“‘We looked over and there was a big brawl that breaks out, between four or five people,’ (eyewitness Nathan) Denette said. ‘Next thing you know, the bus just unloads and there's eight, 10 players come off the bus and there's just fists flying everywhere, between the cops, the security guards, a couple of ladies were involved that were security.

‘It looked like a big dogfight. People throwing fists and cops with their billy clubs out and then all of a sudden it got out of control and a police officer grabbed his taser gun and tasered someone - I don't know if he was a player or if he was part of the team - as soon as that happened, it got even worse.’”

Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair said earlier today that officers tried to “end a dispute” that got out of hand, but one Chilean team member denounced being “treated like animals” after receiving two electric shocks to his ribs.

Image- Metro Canada

Sources- International herald Tribune, Edmonton Sun, USA TODAY,, Guardian UK

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    The Toronto police acted in an teribble way towards the Chilean players. The police tazered a player, billy clubbed many of them, and even kicked some while on the floor. I hope those officer see jail time.
    The Toronto police even censured the Chilean press by reducing them to a small corral where they were not able to report or film the police brutality during 2 hours.
    Shame on you Canada and shame on you Canadian journalists who have disenformed the country.
